
January 22, 2011

Things you should know...CHINA

Travel to the orient provides an abundance of research for westerners, like myself. When I travel with kids I like to reduce surprises for myself and, subsequently, for my family as well. This means, a whole lot of research into customs,

people, places and things to do-before I go! Most travel books cover a lot of info that the solitary traveler or family have no need of. SO, go grab some books from your local library, thumb through them at your leisure and only stop to read the info about where you are actually going, or if it looks like something you would like to do. I also cannot understate the need for dependable research online. It is very easy to get sucked into useless site after site--so use your trusted ones and you usually can't go wrong. Some of my favorites include:,, and the local government tourism bureau. My family also went and got travel shots this week. Luckily we won't be off the tourist reservation much, but they are always a good idea. After many tears, the kids helped me through them. Typhoid in one arm and Hep A in another. The CDC has a website with travel advisories and shots they recommend. If you conscientiously object to immunizations, then you might not need one!

The only other downside to this trip is the costly visa's. Just be aware--tourist visas into China are $140 US per person + service fee if you use an online service. I do recommend an online service for your first trip-- just to see how it all works. All of our other visas will be obtained on route through our cruise line.

Yes I said it--we are going on a cruise! More on that the meantime...I'll keep doing my research and hope all of you get out there and have a ball!!


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